Sunday 9 October 2011


 To make up for lost time I post the next set of pictures today as well. A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to be at the beach when there was actually good weather but I only had an hour time so it was some kind of challenge to see what I could come up with. The results are the following photographs (including the "dead bodies.")

As usual, click on the images for bigger versions.


 After quiet a long hiatus I'm gonna start updating this blog again. I've been really busy the past couple of weeks because my life is drastically changing. One of the changes is that I permanently moved to a favorite city of mine, but more on that later. My next regular post will feature pictures of dead bodies. (It's not as macabre as it sounds. I think.)

Until than here is a picture of me sitting in my new kitchen. You're welcome to guess in what city I ended up.